Recent Creations
Chocolate whoopie pies with vodka caramel cream cheese filling; Molasses spice cookies; Chocolate Baker's Cake; Oatmeal raisin cookies; Blueberry and quince tart; Gingerbread houses; Homemade Truffles (Oreo, Fleur de Sel, and Hibiscus Tea) and peppermint bark; Gingerbread cookies; Chocolate chip cookies; Milk chocolate espresso cookies; Star Wars chocolates; Red velvet cupcake with cream de cacao caramel cream cheese frosting; Cinnamon rolls with strawberry/peach preserves, almonds/walnuts, white chocolate chips, raisins and a candied ginger cream cheese glaze; S'more cupcakes; Star Wars sugar cookies; Ratatouille; Mini pumpkin whoopie pies with candied ginger and cream cheese filling; Linzer Cookies; Macaroons; Pumpkin Muffins

Bento of the Month – March 2010
It can be hard to find bento items if you don’t live near a Asian market. You can use regular food containers for bento as well, but if you want specific boxes or supplies, I’ve tried the following vendors with success:
- Amazon Store (If items are not listed on the page above, they are not available through amazon.com, but amazon.co.jp items can be ordered and shipped internationally)
- J-Box
- Bento Crazy
- Love Ghibli
- Heliotrope
- Bento & Co.
- Shop Kawaii
- Modcloth
There are various sellers on eBay as well, but I find that bento are generally about the same price or more expensive than the dedicated stores listed above.
- サンリオキャラクターのおいしくてかわいいおべんとう (Sanrio Yummy & Cute Bento)
- 基本のおべんとう (Basic Bento)
- おいしい・楽しいおべんとう100箱 (100 Tasty & Fun Bento)
- うちごはん (House Bento)
- おいしいお絵かきお弁当 (Delicious Picture Bento)
- 前川メグの愛され・レシピ (Meg Maekawa’s Love Recipes)
- パパッと15分!おいしいお弁当 (Tasty Bento in 15 minutes flat!])
- Beginner’s Cooking School
- わくわく! キャラクターのおべんとう (Fun Fun! Character Bento!)
四季のお弁当, 4 Seasons Bento
From おいしいお絵かきお弁当, 11 different bento themes are applied to over 40 different bentos. Themes include: Spring Flowers, Spring Festival, Summer Fun, Summer “Going Out”, Summer Scenery, Autumn’s “Long Night”, Fall Symbols, Fall’s Blessings, (Winter) Sentiments, Winter Sports, and Christmas.