Mid-September Bento

Nothing extraordinary here, just the continuation of leftover mixed with new sweets.


Sept 16th – Vegetable Korma with Jalapeno Sausage; Pineapple-Coconut yogurt with “Harvest” (ハーベスト) cookies

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Sept 18th – Green Tea Day! Ochazuke; Matcha Castella (with a thin layer of adzuki on top I think)


Sept 21st – Summer Corn Chowder; Sesame Chicken
Sept 22nd – More Ochazuke; Zucchini Bread
Sept 23rd – Customized MojoMix Granola; Cup Noodles

I’ve been really lazy recently, but I’m trying to use up what’s in the refrigerator since we are going on Vacation soon!

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