Two-Pea Chicken Salad #MadeWithChobani

Two Pea Pesto Chicken Salad, Made with Chobani

It’s no secret that I am a fan of greek yogurt. I like the slight tang that it offers and the thicker consistency. Even my cat, Leopold enjoys it!

When I received a lovely package from Chobani as part of their #MadeWithChobani campaign, we were so excited!


We’ve already set to work putting the greek yogurt to use in many ways.

Replacing  Sour  Cream  or  Mayonnaise

Using Greek Yogurt is a great way to make a dish healthier while still keeping the tang of sour cream or mayonnaise. Some ways that I’ve used greek yogurt to replace those ingredients are:

Adding  Creaminess  to  Sauces  and  Soups

Sometimes you need just a little more creaminess in a dish but you don’t want the added fat. I often add some Greek yogurt to my dishes to help emulsify sauces or thicken broths. Recently I boiled some pasta, added some Indian Vindaloo sauce, mixed it with Chobani Greek Yogurt and Voila!.

In  Desserts

Yogurts are a good dairy-alternative in baked goods as well, especially breads and muffins.

As  the  Star

And of course, who couldn’t love an amazing yogurt dip to cool a hot dish or a frozen yogurt?

Other  uses  for  Greek  Yogurt

Check out Chobani’s recipe section for more inspiring recipes using greek yogurt!


Product provided for review.  All notes & opinions are my own.

Simple Frozen Yogurt without an Ice Cream Machine


Due to a sick cat, we’ve been under house arrest for the past week. One good thing to come from that is more meals made at home. We couldn’t go out for an ice cream cone or milkshake so we made this frozen yogurt in 45 seconds. You can eat it right away (it will be very soft), or freeze it in a container for later snacking like we did.

This is simple, fast, healthy, and really hits the spot. You can also replace the frozen strawberries with any other fruit or put this frozen yogurt on top of cookies or drizzle with chocolate.


Garlic, Ginger & Honey Chicken


This month’s decision to choose a recipe from Lavender and Lovage for Secret Recipe Club was an easy one. When I saw Karen’s Chinese Garlic, Ginger & Honey Chicken, my mind was made. It’s incredibly fast and healthy. We served this atop of some noodles and napa cabbage we picked up at a local market and it was quite satisfying. We also doubled the recipe because it keeps well for lunch leftover. If I were to make it again I would up the spice and maybe add some nuts.

Karen was born in South Africa brought up in rural England. She was greatly influenced by her grandmother and mother and is  currently writing a cookbook based on her British cuisine research. Head on over to Lavender and Lovage to browse her extensive recipe collection or check out the other SRC posts from this month below.
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Quick & Healthy Energy Bites

These energy bites are super easy to whip up and are ready in about five minutes. I always have oats on hand and whenever I’m in the mood for something sweet but not too bad for you, we make these tasty “balls”.

The flax seed adds a great roasty toasty flavor, especially if you grind your own from flax seeds. If you don’t have peanut butter, you can substitute it with any other nut butter. Sometimes I like to throw in a tablespoon or two of spiced speculoos cookie butter too. Because I can’t leave anything *too* healthy.

Fast & Easy Black Bean Soup


For some reason I don’t make too many soups. Something about them just seems daunting. This soup is fast, easy, and healthy. The best part is that it only uses one pot and one blender (or food processor). If you have an immersion blender, then this is truly a one-pot meal.


I’ve made this soup several times in the past month and it’s easy to customize. It’s also pretty cheap to make, especially if you stretch it by adding some rice or quinoa to it. I’ve also added frozen corn and peas to it to add some more nutritional value. As it is, it’s under 500 calories per warm, hearty, bowl.

The version pictured here has vegan chorizo in it instead of dried chorizo, and is topped with some chopped gouda and sesame seeds.