Spinach and Cheese Ravioli, Cupcake for Breakfast

Maple Frosting & Chocolate Cake Cupcake, Coffee Spinach & Cheese Ravioli with Basil and Parmesan Reggiano

For breakfast: Baked & Wired‘s new cupcake, Teresa’s Birthday Cupcake, which is chocolate cake with maple frosting. Paired with a few sips of coffee to balance out the sweetness. The cake was deliciously moist and almost fudgey, but the frosting was too sweet and I ended up scraping most of it off.

Lunch: Raisins, Parmesan reggiano in the container, matzah, un-frosted shredded wheat, blueberry marshmallow/yogurt concoction. Spinach and cheese ravioli with basil sprinkled with Parmesan reggiano, Shilla chocolate coconut roll cake on the side.

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