Cute Eggs


Just thought I’d share some recent breakfasts.

I used the silicone egg rings to make the star and heart shapes.

The first one I made (star), I accidentally cracked the yolk when I cracked the egg. I also didn’t grease the silicone, so I had to use a knife to go around the edges. Once most (2/3rd) of the edges were ‘cut’, I was able to just bend the silicone star to pop the egg out.

The heart egg was my first successful sunny-side up egg! I put it in the pan and put a lid on it. I left it on low for about 5-10 minutes (I totally forget), and the egg had a slight film over it and hard yolk. I dabbed some oil on the ring (via a paper napkin) and the ring popped the egg out super clean!

I’ll experiment later with more runny yolks — I also want to try and make some poached eggs! For bonus round, I’m going to teach danny how to make hard-boiled eggs in the rice cooker (with rice!)!

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