Healthy Oatmeal “Cookies”

These are actually healthy breakfast bars, not cookies. I adapted the recipe from Sara Snow.

– 2 c. whole wheat flour
– ½ cup ground flax seed
– 1 t baking soda
– 1 t salt
– 1 t cinnamon
– ½ t nutmeg
– ½ t cardamom
– ½ c. (1 stick) organic butter – room temperature
– ½ c. natural cane sugar
– 2 organic eggs
– ½ cup honey
– 1 t vanilla extract
– 1 small apple, peeled and chopped
– 1/4 cup raisins
– 1/4 cup goji berries
– 1/4 cup chopped dates
– 1 c. chopped walnuts
– 1 ½ cups coconut
– 3 cups old fashioned organic oats
– 1⁄4 cup applesauce
(you can add chocolate chips, apricots, or whatever you want)

Stir together dry ingredients (flour, salt, baking soda and spices).
In a mixing bowl, beat butter and sugars. Add in honey, eggs and vanilla. Slowly add in dry mixture and beat together. Stir in oats, applesauce, and 1 cup of coconut, fruit and nuts. Spread into pan (glass 13×9 worked for me) and sprinkle remaining coconut on top. Cook 30 minutes at 350.

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