Thai Basil Pesto Pasta with Shrimp


I’ve been wanting to make this pasta ever since I saw it appear on Woks of Life in May. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) a pair of doves made a nest in our Thai basil plants so we couldn’t kick them out and harvest it. When I was able to get to the Asian supermarket in the suburbs, I went ahead and doubled the pesto recipe. Stored it in a jar, I’ve been using it in sandwiches, chicken salad, and even pizza.

Do yourself a favor and make this Thai Basil Pesto pasta, stat! If you can’t find Thai basil you can sub in regular basil or even cilantro.

Cherry Sakura Scones


For this month’s scheduled Secret Recipe Club reveal, I will be on vacation with my family in Las Vegas so I started planning my Fried Ice and Donut Holes pick super early. Melissa, a teacher like my sister, has an extensive list of recipes going back to 2009. I had been wanting to make some cherry scones for a while, so my mind was made up when I saw her Cherry Scones recipe.

Mine ended up being a bit of a scone/muffin hybrid since I baked them in smaller tins. The batter looked a bit wet to me (due to using frozen cherries instead of fresh, which were not in season yet) so I added some extra flour.

When warmed up, they tasted great, with a strong vanilla flavor from the yogurt used in the batter. When they were eaten at room temperature they were a bit gummy on top and dense on the bottom due to my weird hybrid muffin-baking. I topped them with some preserved cherry blossoms which gave a nice salty pop.

I made these at the beginning of the month, just in time for #StarWarsDay. I immediately thought of my Dad, who loves cherries and Star Wars, so I used some Star Wars muffin liners for half the batch.

Apparently it’s tradition for me to make cherry desserts around this time, since I made a cherry cheesecake as well!
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Matcha Pocky Cake with Yuzu Curd Filling

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Wow, I can’t believe I’ve been gone for so long! I’ve been quite busy the last few months. I got married in September and just got back from my honeymoon to Maui, O’ahu, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Before all that happened, I took an impromptu trip up to Pittsburgh to visit my bridesmaid, Stephanie. I was a bit hesitant to make the drive all by myself, but after a grueling bus trip last October, I was convinced that driving would be better.

Stephanie’s birthday is also in August, so I took the opportunity to make an attempt at a super cute Pocky cake from Sprinkle Bakes. My version turned out pretty well, though when frosting the cake I accidentally mis-aligned the layers, which affected the way the pocky sticks stacked.

I like a strong green tea flavor, so I used about a cup of organic matcha powder between the cake and frosting. Paired with the dark chocolate and yuzu filling, this was the perfect light and refreshing cake to snack on after a long drive.

hapatite-1070390About the matcha I used: Sugimoto America is a complete supplier of Japanese green tea and a subsidiary of Sugimoto Seicha, a Japanese green tea company founded in 1946. Based out of Seattle, they were nice enough to send me some great samples of their product, including some powders to bake with.

Their tea is grown and harvested on the mountain slopes of Shizuoka, the tea capital of Japan. All of their tea is blended, roasted, and packed by Tea Maestro Sugimoto, who received the Agricultural Minister Award in 1986.

Black Tea Banana Bread


For this month’s Secret Recipe Club, I had the pleasure of being assigned Ros’ blog, The More Than Occasional Baker. Now, this is my kind of blog! I have a major sweet tooth and prefer baking over cooking. Unfortunately, this made it extremely difficult to choose which recipe I wanted to make since everything looked good to me.

I was choosing between Pineapple TartsEarl Grey Tea CookiesBananas Foster Crepe CakeGinger & Chocolate Oat CookiesPistachio, Yogurt, and Elderflower CakeNo-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel BitesHomemade Vanilla MarshmallowsMadelinesWhite Chocolate & Macadamia Cookies, and Earl Grey Tea Banana Bread.

In the end, I went with whatever recipe I had the most ingredients for. I didn’t have any more Earl Grey tea on hand since we used it all up making Lavender Earl Grey Truffles for Christmas a while ago, but thankfully my friend Stephanie had just gifted me with a whole box of Thai Black Tea that I swapped in.


To continue the Thai-tea theme, I drizzled some thinned out condensed milk on top. The cake was quite dense, which I think was a result of the containers I baked them in (I had this issue with some zucchini bread I baked in these containers) as well as the fact that I just mashed the bananas instead of mushing them to a pulp and substituted yogurt for the sour cream. I also used some of the wet tea leaves to use in the bread itself since I liked the color and texture contrast.

Check out the other Secret Recipe Clubbers below, or head on over to The More Than Occasional Baker to see what she’s whipped up recently!

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Homemade Filet-O-Fish


This year our household made a decision to decrease our meat intake. This means leading a mostly pescatarian lifestyle. I’m particularly choosy when it comes to seafood. It’s amazing and one of my favorite things to eat when done well. The other side of the coin being that it is so easy to mess up and boy have I been burned in the past.

250px-McD-Filet-O-Fish I have never liked fish sandwiches. Sure, I ate fish sticks when I was growing up, and I eat fish & chips now, but I have never ordered fish at a fast food restaurant.

Why would you order something when it looks like this? –>

These homemade sandwiches use a sustainable fish and are much healthier than what you’d find at a fast food restaurant. You can make these as healthy or indulgent as you choose. Swap the bun out for whole wheat and toss with a side of baked chips, or go all out and slather it with cheese and eat with some french fries. I like these sandwiches with a little bit of green on the top and a nice schmear of wasabi mayonnaise on one bun to give it a little spice. The mayonnaise, which I picked up at our local Trader Joe’s, is a modernized version of tartar sauce. Feel free to omit it or replace with the traditional tartar sauce if that’s your preference.