March & April #TeaSwap

I’ve really enjoyed organizing and participating in the Tea Swap the past couple months. The past two months I got some great treats from Nattie and Brianna. Nattie’s package came from across the pond and I was introduced to different tea companies and tea types (Chili Garlic Rooibos?!). Brianna sent me on an iced tea kick and now I always have a pitcher full of the stuff in my fridge. It’s amazing how the same tea can taste totally different when brewed hot versus cold.

Here are the teas I received:

If you want to get in on the next tea swap or share one that you participated in, head on over to the tea swap page!

Tea Swap Sharing

February #TeaSwap

The first round of the tea swap I organized in January was a great success! I was paired up with Suzie, who asked if I could procure some limited edition Spice & Tea Exchange Chocolate Candy Cane tea for her, which I was happy to oblige since it sounded delicious!

Suzie was so awesome and sent me a customized Hapa-tite mug!! I can’t express how much I’m in love with it. In addition to the mug and some tasty Amish Market treats including cinnamon graham pretzels (which were devoured immediately), she sent me:

This package completely blew me away! It was the first thing I got in my new house and I was excited to tear into it. Sadly, I haven’t tried any of the teas yet (too busy eating those pretzels), but I’ll be sure to share my thoughts on Steepster and maybe even here. Most of these companies are completely new to me, and I’m so excited to try them all. Suzie went above and beyond the tea swap minimum requirements!

If you want to get in on the next tea swap or share one that you participated in, head on over to the tea swap page!

Tea Swap Sharing