

Yesterday (Aug 30th), my sister and I participated in a Fashion Show to benefit a local Autism organization. My family goes to the hair salon that hosted the show and a few weekends ago I received a frantic call from my mother — she had volunteered me to walk on the runway, representing the 1940s (the show was “Fashion through the Eras” and had 1920s, 40s, 60s, 80s, Present, and Future styles). I went to the training on the 16th and then more models dropped out and I was asked to volunteer my sister. I convinced my sister to join the Show because she had done fashion shows before for Girl Scouts and I liked the idea of having someone there that I knew to be there with me. I don’t use this salon so I didn’t know anyone here. My sister represented the 1920s, which was perfect because she had a flapper outfit from the year prior!

Long story short, my sister is shy. I made this bento to give her something to look forward to and to calm her nerves. Plus I love making and planning bento (seriously, I was planning this bento all week) and since she started college recently, she’s been getting into bento as well. I bought this bento off of Yahoo! Japan for like $5. There wasn’t anything for size comparison (though I should have read 重箱/ピクニック遠足…) and when I received it I was surprised at the size. This was the perfect opportunity to use it and I love the fact that it’s clear and that the lid is raised up so bento items that stick up can still fit when the box is closed. I felt so proud when people were asking us “who made it?”, “where did you buy it?”, and when I replied that I made it, everyone was so shocked and exclaimed it was “sooo cute!” and “a shame to eat!”. I assured them I had taken plenty of pictures before handing the box to my sister.


This bento contains (from top left, clockwise):

  • Wheat peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam sandwiches
  • Okonomiyaki sauces (orange container)
  • Nashi bears
  • Okonomiyaki balls
  • Inari-zushi
  • Shilla Nayitae Roll cake
  • Char Siu Bao
  • 2 Mini-onigiri made with homemade furikake (radish leaf/bonito and carrot/sesame)
  • Center: Homemade pickled radishes and bonito flakes (penguin)
  • Voseges Chocolates (silver squares)

My sister and I both have blood sugar problems so i made sure to tuck in some interesting chocolates if we needed energy throughout the long day (12pm-7pm). The flavors were things like curry, chili, bacon, and so on. I also brought a diet citrus tea for us to share.

In preparation for this bento, I envisioned the box much larger than it was and had planned much more things to go inside. I was able to take my time and plod along while making this bento on Sunday morning. It took me about one and a half to two hours to make, but I was cleaning as I was cooking.  All in all, this was a great success in my opinion! We didn’t finish all of this though (cake, bao, and onigiri went uneaten).

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Miso-Marinated Fish, Pickled Radish Onigiri Bentos


Sandwich & Creme Brulee

Aug 24th – I made some homemade jam and ate a sandwich of it. Cute elephant baran! The mini crème brûlée is from my friend Stephanie, who nicely gifted it to me last Friday. I thought it was going to taste like peanut butter from the look of it, but it actually tasted like lemon.


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Aug 25th – I was especially efficient on Monday evening and packed up two and a half bentos using the leftover miso rockfish, edamame, and some rice I had frozen earlier to make onigiri. The onigiri is just plain rice with some pickled radishes inside and small strips of nori outside. I used a smaller onigiri mold that I got from Hana Market a while ago to make these. They fit much better than the other onigiri mold I had (now living at my sister’s house).


082609_1Aug 26th – I had training all day at a building I’d never been to before. The location the training was at has horrible, expensive food so I packed a wonderful bento! I love this new bento because the bottom tier holds so much and the top tier has a very useful divider. I also like the way the light shines through the bento because the plastic is translucent. Top is rice with sesame seeds sprinkled on top, bottom is edamame, raisins, pickled radish, and miso rockfish. Spiced Mate/Apricot Caramel Torte tea and a mini-CLIF bar.

Aug 27th – No Bento. Just a homemade egg salad sandwich and a Shilla strawberry/cream cheese croissant.


Aug 28th – Mini onigiri, Luna bar, honeydew mochi (Not pictured:  lemon chiffon yogurt). This was just a snackish lunch since I didn’t feel like making anything Thursday night and this onigiri had been made Monday.

Kung Pao Tofu, Broccoli Salad

Kung Pao Tofu, Broccoli/Carrot Slaw, Rice with Basil

August 13th – Thankfully, this was the last of the kung pao tofu. I think from now on I won’t take short cuts with my fried tofu! (Unless it’s frozen and I’m using it in a Japanese dish). The broccoli/carrot slaw is mixed with some raisins and coconut lime dressing per the bag’s suggestion, but it just didn’t turn out right at all. The rice to the left has a home grown (boyfriend’s mom) basil leaf on it!

Kung Pao Tofu and Tea Talk


August 12th – Okay, I lied. THIS is the last of the purple potato salad. This is a new bento that I purchased from Bento Crazy. I don’t know how I missed this store before, but she’s right by me in Maryland too! Many many (too many!) cute things that caused me to spend an exorbitant amount of unnecessary money. This bento is now living at my sister’s house. She started college yesterday and I thought this would be a nice and fun bento to ease her into making lunches. It comes with a nifty bag and I love the gold glittery interior. Chopsticks are from UGM (loFt, Japan).

Some homemade kung pao tofu (read: Chinese fried tofu cooked in store bought kung pao sauce and sprinkled with sesame seeds), purple potato salad, raisins, and a ginger senbei cracker. Rice is sprinkled with some scallions. The tofu had gone bad before I cooked it. In fact, the outer fried skin of the tofu had some mold spots on it. But, I took my dad’s advice and just cut around the molded parts and cooked it anyways. I don’t know if this was part of the equation, or if I just don’t like big triangles of refrigerated fried tofu, but the texture was off.
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Mini Turkey Sammies, Purple Potato Salad


August 7th – This was the last of the purple potato salad, besides of course, the amount that I ate straight out of the container when I got home. My boyfriend made the cute potato roll turkey sandwiches in the top box. Potato salad is joined with pretzels and honeydew mochi in the bottom. This is a very “potatoey” lunch I just realized.