
I don’t feel like typing in Japanese today. WAaaaaAay too tired.
I made this bento today from inspiration from bentocorner.com and cookingcute.com.

The hardest thing for me is DECIDING what to make, since I have so many things I can do! I can do fried tofu, curry, sandwiches, wraps, pasta, sushi, onigiri (my bro and sis love these), noodles, left overs, etc. I want to make spam musubi and the “weiner” flower this week, and have materials for all of these things!

I decided to make it totally breakfast for this bento, since my sister and brother have been having lunch really early since its SOL week. I made my brother and sister’s lunches a little bit different.

Grape Jelly and Cream Cheese Pancake Sandwiches
Ritz Crackers
Cheese Log (the kind with nuts on the outside) slice
Egg Chick
Jello Chocolate Pudding
Rice Crackers
Vitamin Watter Essential



Strawberry Jam and Cream Cheese Pancake Sandwiches
Ritz Crackers (only 2)
Cheese Log (the kind with nuts on the outside) slice
Egg Chick
Star Kiwi and Star Apple and Blueberry “salad”
Korean Bakery Bread with Yellow filling (either lemon or custard, I’m yet to find out. My sister doesn’t like red bean paste, so no mochi or dorayaki for her!)
Vitamin Watter Focus

I successfully boiled eggs by myself! It was the first time i did it by myself start to finish and i was worried that when i started peeling them that they would be liquidy inside. The first chick is jaggedy (ariel) and the second chick the yolk got cracked cause i forced the peppercorn eyes in too far (ate it) and the third chick is a rebel emo chick with only half jaggedy shell cause i got impatient after peelin’ all those eggs and i just ripped it (matt).

I’ll have to see what my sister and brother think. They loved yesterday’s curry (I’m STILL jealous). It must be weird to not have an asian-ish bento. I don’t know what to do!




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